1: 1. The Godfather 2. Casablanca 3. Gone with the Wind

2: 4. Psycho 5. Singin' in the Rain 6. Lawrence of Arabia

3: 7. It's a Wonderful Life 8. Some Like It Hot 9. The Magnificent Seven

4: 10. The Wizard of Oz 11. North by Northwest 12. Sunset Boulevard

5: 13. All About Eve 14. Citizen Kane 15. Rear Window

6: 16. The Bridge on the River Kwai 17. Breakfast at Tiffany's 18. The Philadelphia Story

7: 19. A Streetcar Named Desire 20. On the Waterfront 21. West Side Story

8: 22. 12 Angry Men 23. Ben-Hur 24. The Maltese Falcon

9: 25. The African Queen 26. Roman Holiday 27. From Here to Eternity